Saturday, January 08, 2005

Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea?

We had a nice"family" night out last night. I took the kids to see the (sort of) new Sponge Bob Squarepants movie, while my wife (she's not a fan) got her hair done. We then met up at the Outback steakhouse for dinner. Other than the long wait at the Outback, it was a nice time.

...Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!

I'm no movie critic, but my take on Sponge Bob is that if you're a fan of the TV show, then I'd give it 3 out of 4 stars, if you're not a fan, then I'd say 2 out of 4. The movie had typical Sponge Bob-esque humor, except it was a little more crude than what you'd normally see on TV. That's right, more potty humor and butt shots of a starfish and a sponge. Quality stuff. Seriously - and I won't give away any spoilers here, LOL - it was pretty good until David Hasselhoff showed up. Not that he was bad, nor did he steal the scene from Sponge Bob or Patrick. It's just that his role was a poor way to transfer the plot. If you see it, you'll know what I mean. I'll say this: I don't smell Oscar here...

...if nautical nonsense be something you wish,

We saw The Incredibles at Thanksgiving, and if you're looking for a "kid-safe" movie, The Incredibles is a better choice than Sponge Bob. It was more "laugh out loud" funny. If you liked any of the previous Pixar films (Toy Story, Monsters Inc., etc.) then you'll definitely enjoy The Incredibles. I'd give it 3.75 out of 4 stars across the board.

...then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!

I will say this about Sponge Bob, though... It's hard to get that darn theme song out of your head!


jcalvert said...

Kevin - I am a big Pixar fan. Love all their stuff. The Incredibles was solid, and you just know it is ripe for a part 2 or a weekly cartoon spinoff.

Adam Simpson said...

Toying with the idea of seeing Spongebob when it comes out over here next month, despite me really not liking the telly show. I know. Now I'm aware of the Hasselhoff factor I don't know what choice I have - the man is so bad he's good, if you're with me.

I also have a William Shatner obsession that extended to me buying, and enjoying, his latest album Has Been. We'll save that discussion for another time.

I must see The Incredibles, though. I've been promising my girlfriend (referred to henceforth as Kaylie, since that's her name...) that we'll go and see it but work gets in the way, and since it's on DVD in late March over here time is running out.

Anonymous said...

David Hasslehoff? Say no more - I'll pass! Seriously, could one of us not come up with a character like SBSP? Well, not that I have any artistic talent, but c'mon! Who would have "thunk" it - that kids would be so enamored with him?

Outback always has a long wait! When I crave a steak, in a relaxed (i.e. yes, honey, you can wear jeans) atmosphere, we hit Texas Roadhouse or Lone Star. Of course in the summer, (does anyone remember summer?) there's always the grill on the patio (now stored in the garage)!

Kevin said...

JC - I smell sequel!

Adam - If you don't like the TV show, then I doubt you'll really like the movie. And, I get what you mean with Hasselhoff! :)

Anonymous - Outback's "call ahead seating" system is screwy! When I want a good steak now, I go to TGIF, because they have the Jack Daniel's glaze. Yeah, I like the "hard" stuff, LOL!

Jason - We're pretty selective about what our kids watch (my son is 8, my daughter nearly 6). The Incredibles is much less "scary" than Spiderman. I believe it's PG due to cartoon violence. I highly recommend it - it's a great show for kids and mom and dad, and it's kid-safe, IMO. There shouldn't be any problems with your 4-year-old watching it...