Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Dr. Evil

I went to the dentist today for my 6-month checkup. Fun. While reclining uncomfortably in the chair, as the dental assistant poked, prodded, and scraped my teeth, a thought occurred to me... Why hasn't anyone implemented these medieval tools of torture in a video game? Could you imagine stabbing someone to death in Manhunt with a scaler? How about (literally) picking the brain of a Zombie in Resident Evil with a curette?


Adam Simpson said...

Kevin, you reminded me of a routine by one of my favourite British comedians Bill Bailey, discussing the weird language dentists use..."Jane, some 4, a 9 over the 2. Mix me up some Krall, seek out the chalky dust of the love salmon..."

Bill's theory is that dentists have to talk like that since if they referred to their tools by describing their looks, we'd run a mile. "The claw, please. Hand me the Colonel. The Punisher."

What I'm driving at - or what I was intending to drive at, if you'd rather - is that your idea is a winner. Hope your visit wasn't too painful.


Kevin said...

I literally "laughed out loud" at the "punisher," Adam!!

Just a cleaning. I do have a chip on the very back tooth in the bottom of my mouth. I have to go back next week. Now I have another question... How does that blue light seal my filling?! :)
