Thursday, January 06, 2005

My Life Just got a Whole Lot Easier

Those of you that know me (and yet still read this blog - it boggles the mind!), know that I've been working two jobs since 1997, so that my wife can stay home and raise our kids. For the first eighteen months of my "double-duty," I worked midnights at FedEx, while maintaining my "regular" full-time job during the day. I actually got physically ill after working that way, so I had to give it up before I fell seriously ill. Fortunately, my duties at my day job to allowed me to transition into a night job teaching computer classes for two nights a week, instead of doing the midnight gig. What a blessing that was! However, with the prep time and the class time, it still meant time away from the kids.

I'm not complaining, by the way. We've been very blessed to be able to "get by" and raise our kids the way that we feel is best. That doesn't mean I disagree with people that choose to handle this situation differently. There is no one "right answer" for this problem, and I sympathize with those that have to make the work vs. stay at home decision.

The good news for me is that I most likely finished my last "night job" class ever this past Wednesday, because I'm now on the verge of signing a long-term contract with the Flash Youth Soccer Club as the Recreational Program Admninstrator! I ran the Recreational program last Fall (instead of teaching), and it enabled me to do most of my night job work when my kids were in bed, so I got more time with them (and my wife, for that matter). In addition, I have a passion for youth sports, so it's a double-blessing! Now we can still "get by," and I get more time with the kids! It's a win-win situation for me.

Plus, within the next year or two, my wife will be able to go back to her career as a teacher. She will then give up her "night job" of tutoring kids, and return us to a "regular" schedule - with more money in the coffers to boot! We've been living check-to-check for a long time, and I'm so looking forward a more stable and consistent lifestyle.

Working normal hours, raising happy healthy children, and living comfortably: PRICELESS!

Thanks for letting me share...


Ted said...

Thanks for sharing! That is good news and I'm glad you're getting some pressure off your back. Enjoying the blog too!


Kevin said...

Thanks, Ted - it's good to hear from you! I tried to e-mail you, but I don't have your address. When my wife synched her PDA up to our computer, I think it got accidentally deleted.

I'm looking forward to the WE league, although I know I'm going to get trashed. Everyone will get to see the "evil empire" at the bottom of the table, for once... If only that happened in real life, LOL...


Kevin said...

Thanks, Jason... I know there are lots of parents out there doing what they can to make it work. Good luck with you guys...


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your life got easier - good for you - you deserve the much needed break. As for me, I've got a myriad of projects going on at work, and yes, I'm going to school part time too. I've had to basically "dump" my civic duties (community meetings, etc.,) to keep up. They tell me when my plate is full, I should get another plate. I tell them, when my plate is full, things start to fall off it and make a mess!