Friday, January 28, 2005

Things That Make You Wonder

Why is it that people waiting for the elevator are seemingly pressed up against the door, waiting for it to open, so they can jump in and yell "surprise," or something?! Folks, I have news for you: there are usually people just as eager to leave the elevator at the conclusion of their journey as you are to enter the elevator and depart for your destination. Step back, and give us a little room to exit. I promise you'll be able to get on board before the door closes.

And, in an unrelated thought, why is it that every time I need to "go #2" at work, the stall I enter looks like "Fat B*stard" from Austin Powers fame just vacated the throne? Man, we must have some hairy people with bowel difficulties in the office... And, what's scary is that the restroom is cleaned multiple times during the day!


Kevin said...

LOL, Jason... I may have to take your approach to public restrooms! You'd think a "white collar" place would have folks with generally better restroom manners, but that's not the case. Many people don't wash their hands, don't flush, etc. There was even one guy EATING POPCORN IN THE STALL! Sick! That makes you wonder, too, doesn't it?!


Anonymous said...

Whoa! You people go #2 at work? It must be a guy thing...chicks can't do that sh**===no pun intended.

Kevin said...

Pun taken, though, LOL!

You know what it's like for us men; it's not just "going #2," it's an EVENT! :)
