Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Bummer Sooner

What a dud of a "national championship" game last night (yes, I put that in quotation marks, because I'm not a fan of the BcS, but that's a rant for another blog entry some time - I know you can't wait to read that!). I feel bad for OU and its fans. Oklahoma made some mistakes and bad decisions, and the game got out of hand quickly. Being primarily an Ohio State/Cleveland sports fan, I can certainly relate to the their pain. To USC's credit, they smelled blood and went in for the kill. They played great, and it looks like their trying to build themselves a dynasty out West, with two "national championships" (according to some, anyway) in a row. OU should keep its collective head held high, however, because they have been a dominating program over the last few years, and no doubt will be a contender again for the foreseeable future. Last night was just the wrong time for them to have a bad performance…

Speaking of bad performances, can it get any worse than Ashley Simpson? First, she embarrassed herself with the Saturday Night Live taped vocal snafu, and then she got booed after the halftime performance she gave last night! Who gets booed at the halftime show of a big game? I don't think I've ever heard that. Anyway, she earned it. Even though you could tell she was being backed up by taped vocals (again), her singing reminded me of the sound a cat makes when you step on its tail (accidentally, of course). I'd much rather listen to an artist - any artist - that has broken into the industry on his or her own merits, as opposed to an artist only getting a showcase because of having connections and taking advantage of marketing opportunities, like Ms. Simpson.


Anonymous said...

Now you're talking my game - music! Ashley Simpson just can't get it right. She dyes her hair black to be the opposite of her sister and since then, all has gone awry! The huge fiasco of SNL which she has tried to live down but never will; the break up with Ryan Cabrera whose music, unlike hers, is laden with powerful lyrics. And, he mentors (musically) with guru Johnny Rzeznik from the GGD (that's Goo Goo Dolls) whose lyrics are satiated with wisdom, honesty and truth.

I agree - I would enjoy any artist who breaks into the industry on their own merits instead of riding the coat tails of someone else.

Kevin said...

LOL, Anonymous... I certainly can't "talk music," but I appreciate your input! Maybe if we discussed hair bands from the 80's, I could contribute something positive. In all seriousness, I know who Reznik is, and I do like some GGD music...

Thanks for commenting!

Jason - so true. Sad, but true.

Anonymous said...

Weird you speak of Ashley Simpson. Yes, she sucks but I saw a picture of her and I liked her hair cut. So I printed the picture off and went to my hair stylist with it. Why do I look like Garth from Wayne's World now? But believe me my party time is not going to be quit so excellent now! Thanks Ashley Simpson!