Sunday, July 01, 2007

So Long, So Long...

I have written and re-written portions of this blog submission so many times that now, it’s just not anywhere near what it was intended to be. I mean it doesn’t resemble anything near its first draft.

I’ll chalk that up to maturity and, the ability to “vent and spew” my anger on my computer privately. (While publicly I retain my grace and dignity.) So what’s my problem anyway?

I’m losing my job. It’s true. It sucks.

The company that I work for has decided my job needs to be moved from one location to another. (I’m not moving for them!) The location choices suck. (Let’s just say, NYC was not an option)! I have been with this company for SO LONG!!

The best way for them to advise me of this decision was to group me with a department that I am not a member of, introduce a man I have never heard of, and then make me watch a PowerPoint presentation that states:

Number of people with your job today: 55

Number of people with your job on 9/1/2007: 0

Nice. Very classy. Thanks for being so kind and considerate. Mostly, thanks for paying for my college because now someone more deserving will reap the benefits. (And they paid for my MOS exam too!)

It’s not so much the fact that I lost my job, as it is the WAY I lost it – via a PowerPoint presentation. Huh. Are you freakin’ kidding me? (What’s that one bumper sticker say? Oh yes, I remember: MEAN PEOPLE SUCK!) It was just so cold. Like the ax man with no remorse for the heinous act he just performed. While it may suck that his job is to tell others they are jobless, the fact that he enjoys it so much is loathsome.

Then I though about KARMA which is, taken from OneLook. com and MSN Encarta, “actions determining future state: in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy, the quality of somebody's current and future lives as determined by that person's behavior in this and in previous lives." (I also thought about walking out of the room. However, I had to drive someone else home after the meeting and it just wasn’t right to walk out and leave this person stranded. Darn! I so wanted to make a statement.)

I had my first job interview in many a moon. The receptionist offered me coffee or water (I said no thanks) and escorted me to a conference room. The mural in this room was so cool – it had the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and many other Cleveland staples. Impressive.

The door the conference room was left open. A man walked by and then came back. He glanced in for the second time and said, “Can I get you anything? Coffee or water?”

“No thanks. I’m fine.” I replied.

“Are you sure?” He said.

“Yes. Thank you.” I said.

Of course he WAS NOT one of my interviewers. I have no idea who he was. I saw him again when I left and he said, “hello again” and smiled warmly. Everyone I encountered was very friendly. However, I don’t want coffee, I don’t need water, and I love tea, but really, just hire me!!!!

I could definitely do this job they described. Unfortunately, I don’t think they can afford me. I don’t think they are computer-oriented (geeky) enough to appreciate me, and that totally turned me off. They were passionate about what they did, which is a good thing, but they didn’t quite comprehend what I could bring to the table. They need me more than they know and a lot more than I need them. Well, I guess that’s not entirely true. But, since they couldn’t come up with a salary figure or range (they offered nothing –NOTHING), I pretty much thought I was offering up way too much and they were offering way too little. The interview pretty much ended and I just didn't even care.

I’ve never sent a “thank you for the interview” note in my life. To me, that’s sort of a “suck up” note and I’m so not a “suck up” kind of girl. (That’s just me. I could be very wrong. That thank you note might be the difference between a follow up interview and never hearing from them again. Feel free to comment. I’m only telling you how I feel about it.) One of my managers said he never sent one of those notes either (and he’s done just FINE!) He felt, that the interview itself was the key. The thank you note meant nothing.

For the record, my greatest attribute is that I’m honest.

For the record, my greatest detriment is that I’m honest.

For the record, I got called back for a second interview.

Cool Lyrics:

Hand out the window
Floatin’ on air
Just a flip of the wrist
I’d be wavin’ you goodbye

I was thinkin' that the season
Could be held between my arms
But just as summer’s hold is fleeting
I was here but now I’m gone
I’m gone

So long, so long

(So Long, So Long - By Dashboard Confessional w/Adam Duritz)

1 comment:

Kevin said...

I was hoping you weren't saying "so long" to blogging! :-)

As I've told you before, for all of the things "the company" does right, it has NOT handled these "transitions" well at all. At least you have until Sept. It's a small consolation, but it's something.
