Saturday, June 30, 2007

Isn't summer supposed to be less busy?

Some ramblings...

Phew. I just finished up a stretch of coaching 7 of my son's baseball games, and 3 of my daughter's softball games, in a 10-day period. That, combined with work getting busy, and trying to get the Pirates of the Caribbean review done, has kept me away from the blogger for a bit. Fortunately, Kellie had something interesting to say...

Anyway, regarding Pirates, the long and short of it is that if you like the movies, you'll like the game. The action and the atmosphere is incredible! The combat's too easy, but some of the puzzles/obstacles are pretty challenging. The review isn't posted yet, but I gave it a "B" (a pretty good score). There's the scoop for you! I don't believe I have anything to review until NASCAR 08 comes out, so I'll just be catching up with some of my other games, like NBA Street Hoops Homecourt and FIFA World Cup. I'm still leaning towards picking up Forza Motorsport 2 and Call of Juarez, but haven't yet, since I knew I wouldn't have time to play them much. I'm also counting the days until NCAA Football '08 comes out!

An interesting note is that it's being reported that EA's football games on the 360 will run at 60 fps, while running at 30 fps on the PS3. Maybe the 360 is the lead console for development, while the PS3 is getting the crappy ports? It's about time. Countless Xbox games suffered from this problem in the last generation. Now the shoe's on the other foot for Sony. Fine with me!

SEGA released a patch for the great-but-troubled MLB 2K7 that at least fixes some of the scoring problems. Hopefully, it fixed the pitcher/hitting bug and the keeping the stars in the minors bug. I'll play some more and report on my findings, when I get a chance...

Yeah for the Crew getting 7 points for their last 3 games! Uh oh; I mentioned it, so they're sure to lose tonight... Yeah for the U.S. Men's National team beating those punks from Mexico for the Gold Cup! Not so "yeah" for their performance in the Copa America (I believe that's what it's called), but it was kind of expected.

Although baseball's over, I'm still busy next week with lots of family engagements next week. In case I don't blog much, let me wish all of you a happy and safe 4th of July weekend ahead of time!

1 comment:

KAT said...

I hear you loud and clear about how crazy summer has been. You're about to blog more and I'm about to blog less!