Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Two Weeks

When you hear the words “two weeks”, what do you think of?

Perhaps, your mind goes directly to the primo thought of “two weeks vacation!”

Recently, for me, it was “two weeks” until my MOS exam and then, “two weeks” till tech school starts.

But soon, very soon, it will be “two weeks notice.” Sort of…

As you know, I am losing my job. (If I would move to Tennessee, I could keep it.)

One time, I applied for a job (same employer as now), and discovered I was the only employee who applied. Huh. I told the person who interviewed me that choices were “overrated.” I said this in jest. (Rumor has it I scared all other candidates but, you know what they say about rumors…only 50% are accurate.) I got the job. Shortly thereafter, my new boss moved to – you guessed it – Tennessee. I lost my job. Still, they found a place for me within the same company, office, and city. This was during a time when your managers actually had a voice. (To their credit, with all that is going on now, I’ve had several managers step up on my behalf…to no avail. But it did wonders for my self-esteem! Sadly, these managers have “no voice.” When that happens, things crumble – quickly!)

I leave behind friends and memories and a safety zone. I am however, looking at this as an opportunity. With my head held high (always grace, always dignity), I am ready to take on some new challenges. Blah, blah, blah. What I really want is a paycheck so I can buy more clothes, shoes and toys (have I mentioned the iPhone?)

Well, I’m about to have my SECOND interview for a potential job that I’m not sure I really want. I’m not sure I don’t want it, but I’m certainly not sure that I do. Confused? Welcome to my world!

I’m ever so slightly wondering (read that as I’m freakin’ out about) how I’m going to handle a full time job and this tech school commitment I made. As I told my friend, I’m basically spending money I don’t have, to spend time I don’t have, for a better job I don’t have.

Where’s my EASY button?

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