Saturday, July 21, 2007

Time Warner Offers No Apology For Their Lack of Customer Service

My living room television decided enough was enough and gave up the other day. I’ve wanted a new TV for a very long time so this was a good thing. (The timing, as usual, was dreadful!) I went to a local TV shop, and not only did they have the Sony flat panel I wanted (Bravia), they delivered it THAT DAY! I was pretty impressed. The salesperson was nice, knowledgeable, and ready to make a sale. He was a bit of a “close talker” which creeped me out but other than that, pleasant enough. The delivery guys, on the other hand, were the exact opposite. The two that arrived with my TV turned out to be the most unfriendly customer service people I had encountered is a very long time. It was obvious they didn’t want to haul my old television away (and I paid an $18.00 dumpster fee for that), or do any work in general. They weren’t rude, but the silence and the sighs spoke volumes. The basic instructions they gave for using the remote would have been better communicated to and by a four-year old. (And that is insulting some four-year olds!) I would soon learn that I needed to be grateful that they actually showed up.

Next on my list was a call to my cable company – good ol’ Time Warner. I asked them to come out with a new HD box and DVR. To offset that cost, I dropped a few movie channels. The customer service rep was very accommodating and scheduled the service between 1PM and 5PM on my day off. Great! Except no one showed up. The movie channels got cancelled and that’s all the rep did. So when I called to inquire as to why TW’s tech was a “no show”, this new customer service rep advised that their records indicate all of the items I requested were already taken care of - the day that I called. I laughed. I asked the rep how likely it was that TW would come out the same day I called? I also advised her I wasn’t paying for the new features so they’d best not be on my bill. (Actually, my monthly cost will be relatively unchanged but I was feeling snippy – and that’s putting it mildly.)

“When would be a good time for us to come back out?” I replied honestly with, “Now.”

We are “now” rescheduled for a Saturday appointment. (“That way you won’t have to take another day off work,” said the rep. Oh good, so now you’re going to ruin my weekend too? I didn’t say that – the thought just continually ran through my mind as I shook my head in disbelief that I was agreeing to ruin my Saturday.)

I absolutely love the last line TW’s reps are required to say: “Is there anything else I can help you with?” As if to imply they helped you with something in the first place. Still feeling snippy, my response was, “not unless you can get the service person to actually show up this time.” I laughed again. She said, “I have it on the computer.” Somehow that didn’t make me feel any better.

Now to be fair, I did admit to her I was annoyed and frustrated, that it was the other reps fault and not hers, but I’ve been waiting for 4 hours and honestly, I really don’t have a spare 4 hours these days. Does anyone?

I guess the one thing that I wanted that I didn’t get was an apology. A simple “I’m sorry for our mix up” or “I’m sorry for the inconvenience” or just a semi-sincere “I’m sorry.”

I got nothin’.

Everything that went wrong was totally due to TW’s customer service reps screwing it up. You would think, as a basic common courtesy, an apology would be offered. Apparently that is not instilled in their reps. Apparently they were never taught the concept either. Unfortunately, what became painfully obvious once more is the fact that they just don’t care. Just like the television delivery guys, they have better things to do and the job they are getting paid for isn’t one of them. (A very interesting concept – especially to someone in my current job predicament.)

While I was waiting for the TW tech to show up (again, he didn’t), I received a call from SBC Global. I started asking some questions (as I’m wireless and have my own modem and router.) This caused great confusion to the SBC rep. Supposedly the cost was $19.99 a month. I inquired as to HOW MANY months that fee was applicable. She said that was their standard rate and it wasn’t just for a couple months. I would however have to use their modem. I said I’d consider it and ended the call.

Honestly, I don’t want to have to change my e-mail address yet again. Maybe when things slow down I’ll give SBC Global a try.

At least when TW was named Adelphia, they showed up for appointments. In fact, one of Adelphia’s techs helped me out a great deal. I’m not expecting that kind of service from TW and I’m sure I won’t be disappointed. I guess I’ll have to be happy if they just show up, right?

So TW stood me up three times. I’m not kidding. Blame is placed entirely upon their customer service phone reps for not scheduling the appointments. When they finally did show, up they didn’t have the HD hook up! That means someone else would have to come out. I was stood up twice more. When I called Customer Service at TW, the girl I spoke with suggested I drive down to their office, pick up the missing cable and they’ll walk me through hooking it up, over the phone. I laughed at her and sweetly inquired, “Is that your idea of customer service?” Later, she offered me a $20.00 credit for my inconvenience and threatened to charge my account a $25.00 fee for making their techs come out again. I asked for a manager but was advised there was no manager available at this time. Unreal. They never did charge me. They never credited my account either.

TW finally got it right. They actually sent two service techs out. I bet they figured “safety in numbers” and I had been stood up too many times now. I had these techs laughing. They couldn’t believe what I had been through and that I was actually laughing about it. They were VERY grateful that I didn’t blame them for this mess. (As I clearly stated, blame falls on the phone reps for not scheduling the service). I told the techs, “You’re not going to know I need service if the phone reps don’t put it in the computer.” Not only did they hook everything up perfectly, they programmed the DVR for me, and offered to assist with any other issues I was having.

Even though Time Warner won’t apologize to me, I’m going to be the bigger person and apologize to them. (Plus it’s been awhile since I’ve put my gift of sarcasm to use.)

I’m sorry every time I have to deal with your PHONE reps.
I’m sorry your PHONE reps lack basic customer service skills.
I’m sorry your (my) Intranet is down at least twice a week (and it’s only Tuesday).
I’m sorry that you are my only choice for cable service. As soon as that changes, so will I.

Now, I’m off to write a letter about that $20.00 credit!


Kevin said...

I hate Corporate America!

(Oops, I'd better not say that too loudly!)



LJNDawson said...

Horrifying. And happens so often. If you go to, you can post about this experience (or read other Time-Warner posts) - it's a consumer website where shoppers can share their stories about corporate entities (or just shops in their area).