Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

As a Christian, I just want to say how thankful I am for our many blessings. We have a good home, great kids, good jobs, and everything we could ever need. Most of all, we're thankful that God sent his only son to die for our sins, so that we could have eternal life in heaven. That is the reason for the season.

The big ticket item this year was a Wii for the kids. We also got them Mario Party 8, Paper Mario, Wii Play, Zack and Wiki, and Spy Games Elevator Missions. They spent most of the day taking turns, or playing together, while occasionally playing with their other toys. I must say, it's a cute piece of hardware, and it offers tons of entertainment. We'll have some family Wii Sports fun tomorrow...

I got NBA 2K8 for the 360, so I can try to get my virtual Cavs to have better success than their real-life counterparts, although the Cavs did look decent today. I played it, along with Fight Nights Round 3, earlier today, and I plan on playing some more Oblivion tonight. Oblivion's one of those games where the time just flies by when you play - which means it's a great game. There's no single better measure of greatness for a game, in my opinion. When you look up and realize it's been much longer than it seems it has, you know you have a quality diversion...

I wish you and yours the best of holiday seasons!

1 comment:

KAT said...

I can't believe how many of my friends were on line on Christmas day. Always good to know I'm not alone in my geekiness. :)