Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Back to Reclining

I'm a rocking recliner kind of guy. When visiting family over the holidays, I'll seek one out and plant myself in it for the obligatory holiday conversations over football. Oftentimes, I'll put my feet up, and within 20 minutes, I'm out cold. They're that comfortable to me. I could rock and recline all day while watching the tube. Yep, I'm a real go-getter.

Anyway, a couple of years ago, we got rid of my rocker/recliner to make room for a 4-in-1 game table for the kids. No sacrifice is too great for my kids. With the changes in furniture and arrangement in our front room, however, it became apparent that we needed something to "fill a hole" in our layout. Lo and behold, as a Christmas present, my wife bought me a new rocker/recliner.

Ah... I've missed these days... Now I can be lazy in much more comfort! Thanks, honey!

1 comment:

KAT said...

Because I rarely have a day where I can "veg" on the couch and watch TV and eat junk with a glass or so of wine, I appreciate the rare occasion when I get to do so. ENJOY!!!!!
I loved the blog about the day with you and your son getting your hair done! There is a place in Lakewood called the Regal Beagle that is also for men only...TV, massages, and they serve beer. My friend finally told her husband he didn't need to get his hair done every 3 weeks!