Saturday, December 08, 2007

Guys' Day Out

Melissa took Brittany and the rest of the Girl Scout troop to the Nutcracker today, so Darrin and I did some "man" things together.

First, we got our hair done. Well, that doesn't sound too manly, but we did get it cut at SportClips - which is for "guys only." They have TV's at every chair showing ESPN, so it's a fairly "manly" way to get a cut. My prima donna son, however, always gets the shampoo and the hot towel. I draw the line at the shoulder massage, however!

Next, we did some shopping. I bought Melissa (my wife) an iPod Nano. I can safely post this because I know she never reads what I write. Heck, she doesn't even know what I do half the time down here in my "man cave." We also bought a couple more games for my nieces and nephews, who we're having Christmas with next weekend, since we bought them clothes earlier. Lastly, I picked up a winter coat for a family that Darrin's class in school is sponsoring for Christmas, and I got some gift cards for my mom and dad.

Lunch was at La Fogata, a local yocal Mexican restaurant. Lunch was good at a good price. And, since I ate a half a plate of refried beans, the conversation mostly centered around how those beans would impact me while we were out together. That's riveting conversation for my 11-year-old son. And, honestly, for me too!

Melissa and Brittany got back in the evening, and I played a couple of games of Clue Mysteries with the kids before bed. I also played some Godzilla: Unleashed on the PS2, and I rented the Hatton - Mayweather fight (another thing my wife doesn't know about down here in my "cave," but hey, I pay the cable bill, so no harm no foul).

All in all, it's been a great day...

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