Monday, June 18, 2007

I'm Back

After a wonderful, but somewhat unusual, week at the beach, I'm back into the "routine" at work and at home. Ironically, the weather here in Ohio was warmer than it was at the Outer Banks, and we had 3 days of rough seas where we couldn't get in the water. Still, we were literally 20-50 yards from the ocean (depending on the tide), so I guess I can't complain. It was big fun as usual, and it all ended too soon.

One of my secret dreams would be to one day buy a house at the Outer Banks, open up a gaming/hobby shop on the island, and just be a beach bum for the rest of my life. Unless I win the lottery, that ain't happening. But, a guy can dream, can't he?

A big thanks to Kellie for her usual entertaining entries at the blog while I vacated my post. It sure is nice to read someone else's work at the blog other than my predictable drivel...

As expected, the Cavs fell apart in the NBA Championship, and the Crew still hasn't won a second game this year. At least the Indians are treading water... For now... And, the Browns haven't lost yet.

I'll be working on the Pirates of the Caribbean review for the next week or so. Then, I'll be in line to pick up NCAA Football 2008. For the record, NCAA Football is my all time favorite game/series, and the only "must buy" game from EA, as far as I'm concerned. I'm also planning on picking up Call of Juarez and Forza Motosports 2 in the near future. Lastly, I'll be reviewing the new NASCAR game in July for the 360, and possibly The Bigs for the PS2.

For my Father's Day/birthday present, I'm thinking of investing in a subbuteo set. I'll let you Google that, and then if you're inclined, let me know what you think. Obviously, it would be for my kids and me. I think it looks fun, but as you know, I'm not really "normal."

Back to the grind, and to "digging" out from my week away from normalcy...


KAT said...

Your "secret dream" is pretty much a guilty pleasure!

I googled the "subbuteo" - that's pretty cool. Go for it.


Welcome back. You were missed!

Adam Simpson said...

"Still, we were literally 20-50 yards from the ocean (depending on the tide)..."

There's a precision in that sentence that just demands to be loved.