Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Guilty Pleasures - Part I

Sadly for us, Kevin is on vacation this week and, he left me in charge of the blog. Well, we’re going to stray a little off course here.

In my last missive, I mentioned one of my guilty pleasures. I received a few e-mails from friends regarding their “guilty pleasures.” Huh…and thus a new blog was born.

I decided this topic would need to be revisited. That being said, I sent out an e-mail to my friends (and some other cool people) asking them for input on this topic. I offered to keep their names sacred and confidential unless they gave me permission to “out” them. (I am, if nothing else, a girl of my word! Integrity is still a big deal in my world!)

So far, I’ve received a pretty “decent” amount of responses. (As Sally Field once said, “You like me. You really like me.” Well, some of you…)

My name is to the right of the screen so please feel free to e-mail me if you’d like to contribute to my next (and possibly last) blog here at THE GUT (as Kevin so coolly refers to it.) Again, I will keep your name private unless you tell me otherwise.

I’ll offer up a few more of my guilty pleasures just to create a realm or ideology that feels like a “safe haven.”

More (but not all) of my guilty pleasures include:

Ad’s blog (He has the type of humor I dig and is infectious on so many levels. Coolness comes off him in waves. He makes me smile. Like me, his best quality is that he’s honest…Like me, his worst quality is that he’s honest. Someday I hope to be able to articulate everything as well (brave) or half as well (brave) as he does. For now, I’m content to be his unrequited and orphic grasshopper.)

Zappos (4 inch stilettos ROCK)

Anything camouflage

Bootlegs of my favorite bands

The ability to intelligently speak above my superiors (and purposely do so when they get too cocky) and get a way with it

Telling secrets to my friends and knowing they will keep them, even though it’s killing them, and they want to SPILL THE BEANS

Turning my friends on to really cool music and movies that I have learned about through the writings of others

Motorcycle rides

Not yet, but soon, I hope, the IPhone

The fact that I’m a geek, but I’m still cool

The man at the wine store who always greets me with, “hello beautiful”

My friend who notices the shoes or the outfit and says, “STUNNING!”

Lazy Sundays

Stay tuned for Guilty Pleasures – Part II.

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