Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Great deal. Done deal.

I ordered my 8GB iPhone last Sunday. I also ordered the protective sleeve that fits over the top because I KNOW there will be plenty of fingerprints otherwise. Oh, and I don’t just mean mine. I’m including all those people who want to handle the coolness of MY iPhone, and physically mess with its on-line capabilities and functionality! It’s just like all those who wanted to play with MY ROOMBA! Well, someone has to be the trailblazer of these gadgets and it might as well be me. A girl could do worse.

My brother has had the iPhone for weeks. He said he logged onto a blog to check out a few things but it was filled with pre-purchasers, like him, harping big time on the major price cut that is, to date, “unprecedented.” He said it’s the price you pay for being the trailblazer of new toys, and the $100 rebate is better than nothing. Still, I’m glad I waited.

My brother still thinks his iPhone is the coolest thing he owns and let me tell you, he owns plenty of cool things. I usually get a few of his “old” toys and they are always in mint condition. I contact him before Best Buy. Seriously! Well, to my good fortune yet again, he accidentally ordered two copies of iPhone: The Missing Manual by David Pogue. He was going to return the extra copy but low and behold, he got e-mail from me with a plethora of iPhone questions. His answers simply solidified what I already knew: It was time for me to own an iPhone. So, he sent me the extra copy instead of returning it. I sent him a check and he ripped it up. I’ll be baking him homemade chocolate chip cookies for that. In all seriousness though, if any of you own an iPhone, this book comes very highly recommended.

According to “Kevin,” my iPhone salesperson (not my blog friend), all I need to do when my phone arrives is plug it in to my PC like I do my iPod. Then I can transfer my existing AT&T phone number to my new phone. Sounds too easy. He said it can take anywhere from two hours to two days for the changeover but hey, I’ve waited this long. It paid off too considering the “unprecedented” price drop. Warning: Be aware that your current monthly bill with increase by $20.

So, let’s recap.

IPhone 8 GB: $399.00
Protective Cover: $ 14.95
Leather Case: $ 34.95

Being the owner of an iPhone…. PRICELESS!

Cool phrase I stumbled upon once again:

Ships are only safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships were built for

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Please tell me you plan on posting your experiences with this thing! I want to know if it's worth all of the fuss. I've never been a big cell phone user, or an Apple fan, but I must admit, the iPhone looks cool...

FYI - I'm now a Systems Coordinator in Health Co. It's part of the same department, so it was just a transfer. I didn't have to interview or anything! They asked me if I was interested, and I definitely was. It's more stable than my current job, and, I'm a GEEK!!!

Take Care,

Kevin (your blog friend, LOL)