Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Who Hired Sybil?

(Think actress Sally Field’s portrayal of multiple personality stricken Sybil Dorset.)

Let’s face it, we all play many roles in our lives but recently I played the role of an unemployed chick. Honestly, and I’ve said it before, what happened with my prior employer left me a little jaded, skeptical, uneasy. A definite kick in the ‘gut’ that left a sickening feeling that just seemed to linger.

Now you certainly can’t portray any of those feelings in an interview and, trust me on this, I did not portray any of those feelings. In fact, you probably would NOT have recognized me at all. I was charismatic, astute, relaxed, yet showed great interest in (nearly) every interview. I had all the right answers (most of the time), I always came back for “seconds” (great for an interview… not so great when it comes to food) and I had plenty of experiences to draw upon. Not one question hung me up. I even, at one time, was a little, smug. (I’m not proud of that…I’m just being honest.)

That “smug girl” was getting on my nerves so I (finally) decided which job to focus on…go for…see if they were worthy… whatever. (I know, I know…still a bit jaded, or maybe you thought smug. I was going for jaded.)

I’m used to working with people who like me for being, well, ME - a “straight shooter” and “not sugar coating.” That’s who I am.

Sometimes I think the people that interviewed me wonder what happened to that bright, positive, upbeat woman they interviewed. They still remember her. She was the little over-achieving go-getter who started the interview herself and promptly ended it when they refused to discuss vacation. Yet, they called her back for “seconds" and ultimately hired her (uhm, me)!

Don’t’ get me wrong, I do my job and I do it well. I came in after someone who did the best they could but it wasn’t what this employer was looking for. Still, I’m not the excited girl they interviewed. I’m not easily excited about anything having to do with work – especially at a new job. (Although I tend to perk up with monetary incentives!) I’m still learning the ropes and how to maneuver them. I’m in a bit of “culture shock” when you compare my current employer to my former one.

I'm also holding my own.

One day, after a joint effort of problem solving and designing a new procedure, my boss commented to me, “you don’t seem very excited about it.” It was probably right about then that the answer to “Who hired Sybil?” hit him with full force…

… I hired “Sybil!”

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