Friday, November 30, 2007

A Reviewer's Life

Okay, maybe this reviewer thing isn't all it's cracked up to be… Right now, I'm in the middle of reviewing a string of games that really don't interest me much at all. First, it was MotoGP 2007, which is a fine game if you're a fan of the MotoGP circuit, which I'm not. Now, it's Dragonball Z 3, of which I'm vaguely familiar, but by no means knowledgeable about the context of the series. Next up is Godzilla Unleashed; at least I'm a Godzilla fan. All of these are PS2, which means I'm getting hardly any time with my 360.

Part of it is the fact that I have still have a working PS2, and I'm willing to take whatever games I can get for review. I need to build the resume, and the extra money is nice. If I tried to hold out for the triple "A" titles, I would probably get about two assignments per year! There are just better, more experienced, and more proven reviewers on the staff. Beggars can't be choosers, I guess.

Also, I feel like I'm in a bit of a rut. My reviews feel formulaic. Insert comment A into section B about graphics. Ugh. I want to improve my writing - I want to transcend the "average" review, and write something profound and of value. I'm not having much luck doing that, especially with these games that invoke almost no passion from me. Part of me wants to "retire." It's been almost a year, and I've enjoyed the ride. But, a bigger part of me wants to see it through. I want to see where it will take me. I want to grow, improve, and challenge myself to do better than I thought I could. I don't want to back off of the commitment, which I've seemingly done so many times in the past when it comes to writing and the video game hobby.

What to do, what to do...


KAT said...

Oddly enough, there a couple things I'm ready to give up on right now. Lack of time and enthusiasm on my part. But, like you, the "bigger part of me wants to see it through." Good luck to us with that!

Kevin said...

Thanks. I kind of got a second wind. I made it through the Dragonball Z review, and now I'm on to Godzilla, which interests me a little more.

Some of my fondest memories as a kid include watching "Superhost", the Three Stooges, and then a Godzilla movie on a Saturday afternoon. Good times!
