Friday, January 13, 2006

Making a Difference

Many times, celebrities are the first to respond in the wake of a tragedy. It warms my heart when I see the many actors, professional athletes, writers, etc. make significant contributions to aid those that have suffered. For example, many from this group were the first to donate after the tsunami, or even more recently, after Katrina struck New Orleans.

Well, I'm happy to report that another celebrity has taken up a worthy cause. Pamela Anderson is now allocating all of her resources to remove the bust of Colonel Sanders from a Kentucky government building. In her esteemed opinion, KFC is cruel in the treatment of chickens.

I have to say, I agree with her. I wouldn't want to be slaughtered, plucked, and deep-fried, either. But, those chickens sure do taste good!

1 comment:

Adam Simpson said...

Trying to think of a witty Pamela Anderson remark and nothing printable springs to mind so we'll leave it. I did have a cracker about oven-ready chickens but it's not family safe.

This JuicyFruiter spambot - persistent but not all that bright, no?