Saturday, June 28, 2008

Good Graces

At my former gig, I was ingrained in the midst of some very astute, forward-thinking individuals. We worked "beyond well" together.

It was wonderful.

I was untouchable.

I loved it.

I was finally getting those ever-elusive dangling carrots – AKA bonuses!

I was told to ride this ‘wave’ for as long as I could.

That was the plan.

It was short-lived.

Fast forward to my current gig. I received a thank you card and check from them.

A BONUS check.

Correction – a SWEET BONUS CHECK for my "hard word and dedication throughout the year." Funny, I haven't even been there a year yet.


It took some mystery solving skills to figure out the “WHO” (as in “WHO” said to give me the bonus, and yes, I should be more concerned with they “WHY”), but I think it is safe to say, I’m in good graces once again…

And this time…

I plan to stay there.

Whatever it takes.


Faith is believing that one of two things will happen,
That there will be something solid for you to stand on
That you will be taught to fly.”


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