Sunday, October 28, 2007

Long Day

Once a month, I have to attend a meeting that begins at 7AM. My normal start time is 7:30 AM. The meeting is held at one of our other offices – the one that is closer to my house than my actual office. So, basically starting early is not a big deal.

So there I was. Seated at a table of 8 or 9 people and I was the only “chick.” Again, not a big deal.

What was a big deal was when one of the company’s owner’s sons was giving a hard time to a guy on my team. He, in no uncertain terms, stated I was hired as the administrator of the program so why hasn’t my team member turned over those duties to me thus far?


This hit me out of left field. It hit me hard. Inside I was seething. I cannot fix or claim or understand that which I knew nothing about until you slapped me in the face with it. Apparently, everyone at the table knew this was coming except me. Perhaps they were testing me. Perhaps they needed to see if I was capable of handling such directness. I was hoping my Crucial Conversation skills would kick in...anytime now.

In order to turn the focus from my team member to me, my supervisor asked what I thought regarding how things have been going so far. I normally and internally count to 10 before answering a question of this nature but, seeing as I was already up to 110 and, still semi-seething (better than completely seething), I answered, calmly and slowly, from my gut:

“I was under the impression that things were going well. In fact, I would have said, extremely (and better than expected) well. However, this is the first time I’m hearing that there’s a problem so, what exactly am I NOT doing and why is it that I’m just hearing about it now?”

The ‘son’ explained that this was not something he brought up in order to place the focus on me, but rather on my teammate. I can’t say that made me feel any better. Keep in mind that my team and I work in different offices. The “next in command” also spoke up stating there was no way I would know such things but now that it was on the table, I could look into getting it resolved. (Like I don’t have enough to do?) I have walked into numerous issues that need to be resolved. I’ve walked into a mess. You’ve got to dig out before you can dig in. I can do that. One day at a time.

By the end of last week, I had it fairly well resolved and that’s a start.

Couple that with my slap on the wrist from the IT department (I failed to follow proper protocol with my request. I'm sure you're not surprised. It's the difference between getting it done today and getting it done next week). As you can see, I’ve had a stellar week.

All is well though. IT hooked me up with what I needed (though my wrists are still a bit bruised!), I solved a problem for my team (with a little help, a little persistence, and a little nudging), and I made it through yet another week thinking that I just might fit in here someday.

Not today, tomorrow, or anytime soon mind you. But someday. Maybe.

Song I listened to this week that summed it up and got me through:

Reach down your hand in your pocket

Pull out some hope for me
It’s been a long day, long day.
(Artist: Matchbox 20/Song: Long Day/CD: Yourself or Someone Like You)

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