Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Historical Perspective

I am a history buff. I've whittled away many late-night hours watching The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, Nat Geo, or any of their variants. I love learning about ancient cultures (particularly their structures and technology), archeology, crypto zoology, historic battles, historic personas, and so forth. It's this passion for history that has driven me to spend some of my Christmas money on two Xbox titles: the Atari Anthology and Intellivision Lives.

I don't want my kids to grow up without an appreciation for their ancestry and roots, or for the struggles that early mankind had to deal with for entertainment. Thankfully, E.T. didn't make the cut. If we don't learn from history, we're doomed to repeat it, or so I've heard.

Honestly, it's the warm, fuzzy feeling of nostalgia that triggered my desire for these titles. As blocky, unsophisticated, unrealistic, shallow, and brain dead as these titles were, I really did enjoy many hours of my youth with a controller in my hand, and part of me enjoys reliving that experience, no matter how it compares to today's entertainment. As we get older, we still reach out for the relative innocence and bliss of our childhood, no matter how it manifests itself, don't we?

Enough philosophy. Now I have to figure out how to get my Controller S to mimic the Atari paddle, or I'll never win a game of Pong!

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